Let's Be Guidelines and Terms & Conditions are designed to promote authenticity and transparency. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in losing access to our platform.
Let's Be Video Tool
Our innovative video tools, without filters, allow our users to showcase their authentic selves through video introductions. We want to foster an environment with personality and tone to create genuine connections.
Let's Be Photo Guidelines
Of course, you can upload those adorbs selfies, even the ones with that whopper fish. Let's be honest. We just ask that it is you in those photos. We do take copyrights very seriously. If you don't own the rights to a photo or video, please do not post it.
Let's Be Compliant
We will not tolerate any illegal activity on the app. If so, this may result in being banned from the site and/or reported to the authorities.
No Soliciting
Let's Be is not a community for selling items. If we see you selling, you'll be banned.
Let's Be is for 18+ years. Therefore, we don't allow kids to be alone in photos as representatives of their parents on Let's Be. In addition, all children must be completely clothed. This is safer for both children and their parents.
We use a combination of automated systems and a team of moderators to monitor and review accounts and messages for content that indicates breaches of these Guidelines and our Terms and Conditions. If you don't follow these guidelines, you'll receive a warning (unless our team decides to block or restrict access without warning at our discretion). If you ignore this warning, you risk losing your account. These guidelines are designed to make Let's Be a safe place for all our users.